Monday, May 30, 2011


It has been a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!  I have been with my family at the beach and also working on checking off the "Spend a Week at the Beach" on my list!

Everyone went home last night but Mom and today I spent some time on the beach by myself.  I think about my family and how patriotic we are.  Both of my Grandfathers, Papa (Mom's Dad), Daddy Neil (Dad's Dad), and Dad served their country in the military.  I learned to say the Pledge of Allegiance and to put my hand over my heart for it and the National Anthem.  Recently my subdivision flag was looking horrible and tattered.  Not only did the gentleman in charge not know how to take the flag down but he didn't know how to properly dispose of it.  I took care of that and even offered to purchase a new one.  (He had already ordered one) Maybe it's just the way I was raised but these are just things you pay attention to.  We have the right of freedom and there are men and women fighting for us still today. That's why every year I text and call the people I personally know to thank them for their service.  My cousin's husband is currently in Texas and will be deployed for a second time in the coming weeks.  JOEY-we all LOVE you and are keeping you in our prayers.  

My point is that you should thank our service men and women-past and present.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One Month Later

Every media outlet today is reminding us that today is one month since the tornado hit.  What makes me proud is on McFarland and down 15th Street you will see signs that state "We Will Be Back" in front of different businesses.  Taco Casa was one of the first but many many more have them have sprung up and even Forest Lake subdivision has signs up stating that they are coming back.

Here is a song a young man has written who lost a friend to the tornado:

Below are some pictures a friend sent me that were taken from a's very sad but we know Tuscaloosa will be back and it was pointed out on the radio in an interview about a week or so ago that Football season people will be amazed when they come into town BUT it will also help remind people that recovery is going to be a long process.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2 in 1

Number 1:
The Bama Softball team plowed through the Regional Tournament at Rhodes Stadium here in Tuscaloosa.  My friend, we will call her "FA", and I loaded up and watch Friday and Saturday's games.  They were both great!  Friday night after the game FA and I decided to grab some dinner so we went to Mugshots.  Not long after we sat down I realized that one of my FAV Softball players had sat down at the table next to us to eat dinner!  Well I waited until they were done eating and made sure it was her.  She said she was and I immediately began to gush about what a great game that they had played.  She also said that Kayla Hunt (2nd Base for the Tide) was eating with her!  Well FA and I just had to have a picture.  Please forgive how bad it turned out, but I took this with my phone after printing the original out from FA's camera! HAHA  Also in case they ever read this...I am not a stalker, creeper, etc I just enjoy my Bama Softball!!!
Kayla Hunt (left), FA, Me!, Ryan Iamurri (My FAV!)
On Saturday the game didn't start great with Memphis scoring first.  However it didn't take the Bama girls long to not just come back but to win 7-1!  Sunday the Tide rolled over Chattanooga with a 11-2 win! The Tide will host Stanford University (15) in the Tuscaloosa Super Regional starting on Thursday.  Although I can't be here for the Friday game...I will be listening to pull my girls through!  World Series HERE WE COME!

Weight...duh duh DUH! Ha!  I weighed this morning and although I wasn't really looking forward to it I was exactly the same weight I was as the last time I blogged! I had lost some weight after that but then the tornado hit and my weight has been a little roller-coastery.  So here I am same-same again.  I am looking forward to my trip to the beach with the family this weekend! I have already packed my clothes to go walking/running in and am probably going to take my light weights for when it is just Mom and me!  This Saturday will start my Official WEEK AT THE BEACH!  That's right I will be checking another one off as I spend time in the sand and with my family.  Mom and I are going to be doing some painting and sprucing up of the place.  So look forward to some good posts!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Normalcy…Sort Of

***You will notice the houndstooth ribbon on the left side of my blog.  If you click it-you will go to a Google Documents page that I created.  This is a small list of places that I have found and people that I have talked to with ways to volunteer or donation items needed.  There are obviously many more places to volunteer and items needed. 

A full week at work.  It has been a while between the volunteering and clean-up since I have spent a full week at work.  It feels good and I hope today I can get a lot done. 
Before I get to the bulk of my post today I want to say that Tuscaloosa City Schools (TCS) has had a donation site open for schools supplies.  Early on this was a great need to get the school system back up and running with 2 schools that had been heavily damaged.  They are on the home stretch to having students out for the summer but are trying to get summer reading kits put together.  If you can volunteer for any shift between now and next Wednesday they will take the help! You can see the sign-up sheet here:

Ok! On to the Normalcy...
Starting Tuesday I will start weighing in again.  It's been tough to care about something as silly as a diet with everything going on but it is a good thing to get back into routines!  The tough part is that I no longer have a gym (it was in the shopping center next to Hobby Lobby) so I will have to get creative!  I remember after the flood that going back to school (even though we were in airport hangers) was nice -and I can't even imagine how our parents felt! HA!

Due to the tornadoes I didn't get to share with you pictures and a recap of our hiking/camping trip.  I will try to get that done this weekend-because I am about to start another round of getting some of my list knocked out!  As a State Employee we have Memorial Day as a holiday that is the last Monday of this month.  We also have June 6th as a holiday for Jefferson Davis' Birthday.  I am going to take 4 days off work and spend 7 whole days at the beach!  I can't wait!  I promised Mom that between the sunbathing sessions and my morning runs I would do some painting but it is TOTALLY worth it!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Long Long Road....

I haven't posted in a while. It has been tough up this way but things are slowly getting back to normal.  My Mom, Dad and Brother came up this past weekend to volunteer.  The Temporary Emergency Services (TES) in Tuscaloosa is ALWAYS in need of volunteers! And we were there from about 8:30 until a little after 2:00.  It was a wonderful experience and it is hard to not feel like you are helping when you are there.  It is also fun working on the unloading where Dad and I were getting to talk with people bringing stuff in.  It's amazing the people who came from Minnesota, Ohio, and Kentucky! 

Everyone is trying to find out ways they can help so here is what I know and have learned over the past few weeks:

NEEDED: Gatorade (powder), Powerade (powder/packets) and Crystal Light Energy Packets.  The outpouring from the state and nation has been overwhelming.  We have all the water we need from what I am told, however due to the heat that we have now and what we all in Alabama know we will be facing in the summer months to come water and electrolytes are important! 

Also needed are work gloves and masks.  Due to the handling of materials and the dust created from saws these items will also be needed long term.

I would strongly recommend that you call in advance and have a plan on where you are going to volunteer.  It is wonderful the help that is pouring in-but we can only organize so many people at once. 

A suggestion would be Temporary Emergency Services off of 15th Street if you are just coming in for a day or so to volunteer.
If you are going to volunteer long-term I would got to the McAbee Center in Tuscaloosa to register and get your pass that will let you into the city. 

You can also check out the website that I read about on

And of course Red Cross, Salvation Army, and many Churches are available for contact to find volunteer sites.

Also don't forget the smaller communities!  Hackleburg,  Pratt City, Cordova, Sawyerville were all hit by very strong tornadoes and need help too!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This Time It Was Worse...and How You Can Help

I haven't had internet until now.  I noticed that Neil posted on his blog about  everything.  This past Wednesday was just an amazingly devastating day.  The emotions are so mixed, I am glad for Roxie and I that it went north of us-but on the other hand knowing the devastation I just wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Amy and Michael are ok.  They don't have cars anymore, but we have them and won't lose sight of that.  Brian Waters (friend of the family) has trees down in his yard and everyone I work with is accounted for.  We are all truly blessed.

I went to a Prayer Service at church Thursday night and cried with my friend Frances Ann-we were told of ways we can help.  I notified Bro. Stanley in Elba about the things that were being requested for donation.  And today I will pick up anything that has been donated.  Mom has decided that she wants to spend Mother's Day next weekend with me in Tuscaloosa volunteering.  I think we all just need to feel like we are helping in some way.

Items Needed:
Water, Unopened Baby Items, Gently Used Clothing, Housing Utensils, and due to 2 schools being severely damaged: pens, pencils, highlighters, copy paper, notebook paper, and any other schools supplies you can think of.  Monetary donations are always accepted-you can make the check out to FUMCT (First United Methodist Church of Tuscaloosa). 

I am picking up from the Methodist Church today in Elba and Mom will Thursday before heading up to Tuscaloosa.  Thank you for your continued prayers!