Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Birthday, Christmas, Birthday, New Year's...oh and Mardi Gras!

Oh that Holiday Season! In my particular family there are many reasons to celebrate!  My Brother's birthday was on the 18th, Christmas, MY birthday (30th) and then New Year's...finally to top it off-Mardi Gras!!! Whew...I am tired just typing all of it!

My family has a different kind of Christmas tradition-we eat Steak on Christmas Eve rather than the traditional meal.  We all gather together, go to Church for Communion, and then eat steak and linger after to open a few presents and catch up.  After the majority of the family leaves it is just my immediate family and Janice and Gene (Dog) Strickland.  We all trade presents and then the other different tradition begins-we roll Mom's change.  Yes, I know it's rather strange.  In fact, I would need to ask Neil because I honestly can't tell you when this started!  I know we have been doing it for at least 5 years-the giggles at Dog and Neil struggling to get down & roll the money are so worth it to DeAnn and me!

I love to get presents for people that I know they will enjoy-it makes me so very excited!  I enjoyed so many of the presents that I got for people this year! It was a very Merry Christmas! I loved the extra time with my family and friends!

On the horizon-is my birthday on Friday and then New Year's, which also happens to be FAB's Birthday.  Finally Mardi Gras.  This is my last year on the float so I am going out with a bang!!  Ready for my Float 4 girls!! :) 

Talk to you sooN!


Monday, December 19, 2011


So I booked this right as I was starting this whole journey.  And although it is good for 2 years I am going to be jumping on my birthday!!! I am so excited!  I get to pick 2 songs...wonder what I should choose!

Talk to ya soon!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

GRAND Canyon! (part 1)

Mother Nature was just a show-off.

Mom and I knew it was going to be cold and we packed accordingly.  We lost basically a dayflying there and a day coming back.  But we planned it so that I didn't have to take much time off work at all.  When our plane touched down in Flagstaff we knew we were in for a rollercoaster-there was snow everywhere.  And not just a little snow...a few inches. 

We went to Enterprise to get our car and we had heard that the I-40 was closed, so we asked if there was another way to get to the Canyon.  Now before I go further let me tell you that we made plans for ourselves which is why we got the car.  We thought we would be able to do some driving and go to see the Painted Desert, Montezuma's Castle, and other things.  The nice gentleman at Enterprise said that there was another way and we got those directions. 

On the way up we stopped at a Target to get necessities (at least for us) Diet Mt. Dew for Mom and Sobe water for Me and a few snacks for us both.  And off we went.  Mom and I were both a little worried about driving on the snow/ice.  But there were others out driving in cars that were smaller than ours-plus there was someone in front of us almost the whole way there.  We liked that too. 

Mom driving up...a little white knuckled!!

Once inside the park we slowly made our way to the lodge.  It was dark and very cold by this point. I think we were both ready to put our stuff down and chill out from the plane ride to the car ride, it was taking a toll on us.  So we took our luggage inside and checked-in, where we were promptly told our cabin was just down there and we could drive if we wanted to.  I think Mom and I both wanted to laugh hysterically or sob-but we "womaned" up and took our stuff down to the cabin.  OHHHH the warmth when we opened that door!  They hadn't left the light on for us, but they had left the heat on!  We unloaded and got comfortable!  It was great but we were starving. We hadn't eaten since our quick breakfast on our layover in Charlotte.  So we decided to go to the lodge for dinner and we were in bed by 8 that night!

Our little lodge! 

We had looked over the options of lectures and things at dinner so we knew we wanted to do the nature walk at 10 and it was a great place to start-because it was at the visitors center.  We got there early enough to catch the movie and then we went on our walk and got our very first glimpse of the canyon!  Ty, the park ranger who gave the lecture, we informative and funny.  He told us about the plant life, wild life, and how the canyon impacts them all.  He answered all of our silly questions and I had tried to convince Mom that we should try the trail to the geology museum.  Ty helped me out and told us that he thought it would be clear so off we went!  During the walk one of us would just stop because we saw something that just took our breath away.  Pictures do not exactly do it justice because the scale is something that is very hard to catch.

Our first view of the Grand Canyon!!

The day started out a little overcast and gloomy-but as you can see the sun is starting to peek out!!

The start of the hiking!!

Elba Tigers were playing for the 2A State Championship and we were supporting them in our way! 


These were both taken at one of our favorite overlooks!  Mom wouldn't go out quite as far as I would but the view was amazing!

We loved this!  We thought it looked just like a deer!!

I like to put things into perspective!  There is zoomed all the way in....see the people on the ridge?!

This is the same perspective just zoomed out!  Hope that gives you an idea of what we were looking at!!!

Happy Birthdays & Kudos!!!

Today is my Baby Brother's Birthday!  I know I was a happy girl the day he was born and little did I know the roller coaster ride I would go on!  I remember fighting with Neil when we were young-but no one was ever able to mess with him.  Big sister to the rescue if that happened.  When we were both in school at Troy-I know I drove him crazy, but we had some wonderful times together.  I know that for many reasons this is why we are such great friends.  I know he is always there when I need him, and even though sometimes I am sure he thinks I am strange, he loves me and knows I am there for him.  When Neil had his amputation surgeries he asked for me and DeAnn.  I know that this might have hurt Mom's feelings but Neil knows he can be well...let's say "frank" with D and me.  That's how we are.  I just revel in getting the perfect gift for someone and Neil heard about his present all weekend!  I had reasons to be so proud he loved it!  The Kudos are for DeAnn-we just found out that she passed a BIG test in her profession and she can breathe a sigh of relief after a month or so of waiting!

One thing some of you may not know is that today-29 years ago there was another celebration going on.  After Mom had Neil-she picked up the phone to call Daphne where her niece Helen was living.  Helen answered the phone and Mom told Helen that she had the best BIRTHDAY present ever for her....a NEW BABY COUSIN!  That's right Neil was born on our cousin Helen's birthday!  I have called her and wished her a Happy Birthday.  One of the great things about my moving around is that living in the Daphne/Fairhope area for 4 years I really got to know Helen and her brood, Bryan & Joey, and Uncle Lewey and Aunt Sharon.  I treasure those friendships and in fact called today to plan a trip down there!!

As I wrap this up, I realize how blessed I am with such wonderful family and friends!  This year has been a wonderful ride! Thank you to everyone for your help and support!